Overmountain Chapter Trout Unlimited
Volunteers Needed!
Bill Beazell Memorial Cleanup
Once again, OMTU will be hosting our annual Bill Beazell Memorial Cleanup of the Watauga river. This event will be held on Saturday, March 17th and we are looking to expand our impact factor even more this year. We need your help in a couple of ways. Beyond just having cleanup participants, we have a number of volunteer positions that we want to staff. Those include:
Site Captain (x6) - Heads the crew for each of our cleanup sites, guiding their work, ensuring their safety, and handing out raffle tickets at the end of the day.
Drop Off Attendant (x3) - Oversees one of the three trash drop off locations and makes sure that items are correctly placed in respective containers.
Bag Shuttle (x1) - Coordinates with cleanup teams to remove bags from cleanup sites and take them to drop off locations. Requires a truck and/or trailer.
If you are interested in serving in any of those roles, please contact us at overmountaintu@gmail.com to let us know. We are also looking for help in securing donations for the event.